Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Few Debian Upgrades/Changes Conti....

Continuing from my previous updates in Debian.
Prior to Debian 6.0 we used update-rc to register any service and could provide the priority of start and kill init scripts. This priority would put the sequence for your script. But with the entry of 'insserv' this setting of seems to have been removed and with 'required_stop' and 'required_start' this has to be achieved. This has been introduced probably to achieve the parallel boot process in Debian.
So, Rather than using numbers, explicitly state which services you need, and it will end up in the correct order.
Refer to: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=667464

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Few Debian Upgrades/Changes

I was looking for an internal issue and could see few changes in Debian Machines as compare to other linux machines.
To put our own services (like running scripts) at shutdown of system we create the script under /etc/init.d. For e.g. /etc/init.d/CA-BADAL. Provides permissions to this script.
This script based on the run levels 0-6 (I guess) has to be placed under /etc/rc* folder.
Normally in non-debian we create a symbolic link under this rc* folder using following command:
 'ln -s /etc/init.d/CA-BADAL /etc/rc0.d/CA-BADAL'
And then we just run the 'touch' command to this script under folder /var/log/subsys, for e.g:
 'touch /var/log/susbsys/CA-DSM'
Now the script should execute when you shutdown the machine.
But in Debian instead of above two process of creating symbolic link and creating blank copy under syslog you need to execute the 'insserv' command. for e.g.
 'insserv /etc/init.d/CA-BADAL'
Not this script shall run when you shutdown the Debian Machine.

One more thing I am seeing in Debian is that its removing the content of /tmp folder whenever we do a fresh reboot. Hasn't researched this but may be I am missing something.

Please refer the link below for further information on 'insserv':

Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 - The year that was

A new year started. New resolutions, new beginning, new expectations. uh! We say everything as new but when the year ends, we find those resolutions, beginning and expectations the same one which were made last in last new year too. Anyways, to celebrate new year also means to do some introspection. I had a good last year. New job, new friends, new community, new place, new challenges. Really that was the year in which I had lots of new things. I shifted to new company and came to Hyderabad. I left Pune, where I as for last 5 years, did my PGDM, joined my first job. Pune really is a nice place to enjoy. It has the best refreshing crowd. I had a chance to live with one of my best friends and room-mates. But since I have left my home for doing education and job, I have realized that life never remains same. Changes and dis-balances are opportunity to learn and become strong and take it up to a new level. It may change in a moment of time. So, be ready to leave anything behind and embrace what you are going to get. I never thought and expected which happened to me when I came to Hyderabad. First thing was that I found nice people who later on became my best buddies and second, I joined a music band (it wasn't a dream come true, but helps me to keep-up with my hobby). I hope my quest continues in search of 'nothing' as of now :) . New year has just started, I will drive it as the life unfolds.